Abdalla OAM, Omnia E Kilany, Moursi MK, Shaimaa S Ahmed, Fares IM
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of essential oils (Anise, mint) as feed additives on performance and leukogram of vaccinated and non- vaccinated broiler chicks. A total of one hundred and sixty, day-old chicks were distributed into 8 equal groups (A-H).Control groups (A and B), anise oil as 400mg /kg diet (C and D), mint oil as 300 mg /Kg diet (E and F), mixture of anise and mint oil with the same previous dose (G and H). At 12 day of age half of groups (B, D, F and H) were vaccinated against Newcastle disease (ND) with IB+ND vaccine as eye drop. The statistical findings of this experiment indicated that a significant increase in the body weight, body weight gain, and improvement in FCR in the groups treated with Anise oil + mint oil then in groups treated with anise oils and mint oils. Concerning leukogram results there was increase in TLC with characteristic heterophilia, lymphocytosis, and monocytosis in vaccinated and non- vaccinated broiler chicks at 3 and 6 weeks of age. The study concluded that combination of anise oil and mint oil has growth promoting effect in broilers.
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